Toni Newhall

Toni Newhall



I don't know how to have a life without art. It's what I have always done. I have a distinct memory about age four, coloring in a coloring book with my grandpa.  He took a crayon from the pile and colored a man's arm green then there was an orange face!  "People don't have green arms and orange faces", I scolded him. His answer was, "I can make it any way I want."  This was a great revelation at such an early age (better than coloring outside the lines), you are allowed to take something and make it your own! Through art, I found a voice of my own.

I am drawn to the idea of multiples, expressed either as a series of works or as repeat motifs in a single piece. My inspiration typically comes from natural objects, or by observing the smaller parts of a whole, expanding on the details of a thing. By experimenting with layering, texture, and depth, more and more I want it to feel like there are unseen worlds within each piece. I do some realistic looking pieces but most of my work ends up as an abstraction of something, like a planet that really isn't a planet or an undersea world of the imagination.

I was born and raised in Colorado where I received a BFA from Colorado State University in 1976. In the earl 80's, my husband and I moved to Maine for two years then to Cape Cod where we have lived now for more than 25 years. We have a son and daughter, both grown. For more that 30 years my primary income came from custom designing and painting needlepoint canvases. Now my primary focus is on my creations using fiber and mixed media.